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Contour and Envoy expose metrics that can be scraped with Prometheus. By default, annotations to gather them are in all the deployment yamls and they should work out of the box with most configurations.

Envoy Metrics

Envoy typically exposes metrics through an endpoint on its admin interface. To avoid exposing the entire admin interface to Prometheus (and other workloads in the cluster), Contour configures a static listener that sends traffic to the stats endpoint and nowhere else.

Envoy supports Prometheus-compatible /stats/prometheus endpoint for metrics on port 8002.

Contour Metrics

Contour exposes a Prometheus-compatible /metrics endpoint that defaults to listening on port 8000. This can be configured by using the --http-address and --http-port flags for the serve command.

Note: the Service deployment manifest when installing Contour must be updated to represent the same port as the configured flag.

The metrics endpoint exposes the following metrics:

contour_build_infoGAUGEbranch, revision, versionBuild information for Contour. Labels include the branch and git SHA that Contour was built from, and the Contour version.
contour_cachehandler_onupdate_duration_secondsSUMMARYHistogram for the runtime of xDS cache regeneration.
contour_dagrebuild_timestampGAUGETimestamp of the last DAG rebuild.
contour_dagrebuild_totalCOUNTERTotal number of times DAG has been rebuilt since startup
contour_eventhandler_operation_totalCOUNTERkind, opTotal number of Kubernetes object changes Contour has received by operation and object kind.
contour_httpproxyGAUGEnamespaceTotal number of HTTPProxies that exist regardless of status.
contour_httpproxy_invalidGAUGEnamespace, vhostTotal number of invalid HTTPProxies.
contour_httpproxy_orphanedGAUGEnamespaceTotal number of orphaned HTTPProxies which have no root delegating to them.
contour_httpproxy_rootGAUGEnamespaceTotal number of root HTTPProxies. Note there will only be a single root HTTPProxy per vhost.
contour_httpproxy_validGAUGEnamespace, vhostTotal number of valid HTTPProxies.

Sample Deployment

In the /examples directory there are example deployment files that can be used to spin up an example environment. All deployments there are configured with annotations for prometheus to scrape by default, so it should be possible to utilize any of them with the following quickstart example instructions.

Deploy Prometheus

A sample deployment of Prometheus and Alertmanager is provided that uses temporary storage. This deployment can be used for testing and development, but might not be suitable for all environments.

Stateful Deployment

A stateful deployment of Prometheus should use persistent storage with Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims to maintain a correlation between a data volume and the Prometheus Pod. Persistent volumes can be static or dynamic and depends on the backend storage implementation utilized in environment in which the cluster is deployed. For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation on types of persistent volumes.

Quick start

# Deploy 
$ kubectl apply -f examples/prometheus

Access the Prometheus web UI

$ kubectl -n projectcontour-monitoring port-forward $(kubectl -n projectcontour-monitoring get pods -l app=prometheus -l component=server -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') 9090:9090

then go to http://localhost:9090 in your browser.

Access the Alertmanager web UI

$ kubectl -n projectcontour-monitoring port-forward $(kubectl -n projectcontour-monitoring get pods -l app=prometheus -l component=alertmanager -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') 9093:9093

then go to http://localhost:9093 in your browser.

Deploy Grafana

A sample deployment of Grafana is provided that uses temporary storage.

Quick start

# Deploy
$ kubectl apply -f examples/grafana/

# Create secret with grafana credentials
$ kubectl create secret generic grafana -n projectcontour-monitoring \
    --from-literal=grafana-admin-password=admin \

Access the Grafana UI

$ kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods -l app=grafana -n projectcontour-monitoring -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') 3000 -n projectcontour-monitoring

then go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser. The username and password are from when you defined the Grafana secret in the previous step.

Ready to try Contour?

Read our getting started documentation.