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Join the Contour Tech Docs Working Group

Contour Team Abigail McCarthy Docs Docs-WG Jonas Rosland Orlin Vasilev
The Contour team is excited to announce we are launching a technical documentation working group. This group will focus on improving the Contour website, documentation, and processes around content creation. Because documentation makes a difference In 2017, GitHub conducted the Open Source Survey, which sampled 5,500 respondents. One of the key takeaways was that “documentation is highly valued, but often overlooked.” The survey found that outdated or confusing documentation was a major problem, affecting 93% of respondents. Read more...

Announcing Contour v1.13.0

Contour Team Daneyon Hansen
Contour continues to add new features to help you better manage ingress operations in a cluster. Our latest release, Contour 1.13.0, adds several new features. This post will focus on two of the features, support for Gateway API and global rate limiting. Gateway API FEATURE STATE: Contour v1.13.0 alpha Contour now provides alpha support for Gateway API, an open source project to evolve service networking APIs within the Kubernetes ecosystem. Gateway API consists of multiple resources that provide user interfaces to expose Kubernetes applications- Services, Ingress, and more. Read more...

Announcing Contour v1.12.0

Contour Team Steve Kriss
Contour continues to add new features to help you better manage ingress operations in a cluster. Our latest feature release, Contour 1.12.0, adds support for local rate limiting on HTTPProxy virtual hosts and routes, dynamic request headers, and header hash load balancing. Local Rate Limiting Rate limiting is a means of protecting backend services against unwanted traffic. This can be useful for a variety of different scenarios: Protecting against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks by malicious actors Protecting against DoS incidents due to bugs in client applications/services Enforcing usage quotas for different classes of clients, e. Read more...

Announcing Contour v1.11.0

Steve Sloka & Daneyon Hansen
Contour continues to add new features to help you better manage ingress operations in a cluster. Our latest feature release, Contour 1.11.0, now includes support for a new operator aimed at managing the lifecycle of Contour and its corresponding Envoy instances. Contour Operator FEATURE STATE: Contour v1.11.0 alpha Contour Operator provides a method for packaging, deploying, and managing Contour. The operator extends the functionality of the Kubernetes API to create, configure, and manage instances of Contour on behalf of users. Read more...

Announcing Contour v1.10.0

Contour Team
Contour continues to add new features to help you better manage ingress operations in a cluster. Our latest feature release, Contour 1.10.0, now includes support for Envoy xDS v3 as support for the current v2 version will be deprecated in early 2021. Contour also adds support for multi-arch images allowing for deployment on multiple platforms as well as extending support for custom JSON logging fields. Envoy xDS v3 Support Contour is the xDS controller for Envoy providing it with dynamic updates of Listeners, Routes, Clusters, Endpoints and other information over a gRPC connection. Read more...

Announcing Contour v1.9.0

Contour Team
Contour continues to add new features to help you better manage ingress operations in a cluster. Our latest feature release, Contour 1.9.0, now includes support for external authorization allowing requests to be validated against an authorization server. Contour now also supports presenting a client certificate for TLS for validation to backend services as well as moves to v1 Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). External Authorization Support Incoming requests to your ingress resources can now be authorized by utilizing Contour’s new external authorization support. Read more...

Contour’s landscape, July 2020

Contour Team Nick Young landscape
Contour’s landscape, June 2020 Hi everyone, my name is Nick Young, and I’ve not-so-recently taken over from Dave Cheney as Tech Lead for the Contour maintainer team. Thanks very much to Dave for getting Contour started and for everything he’s done in his time with the team. His talent and insight are and will be missed. As part of coming onboard as Tech Lead, I’ve been spending some time thinking about where Contour is, what it’s about, and where it’s going. Read more...

Client Certificate Authentication and Ingress improvements in Contour 1.4

Contour Team Nick Young release
Our latest release of Contour is 1.4, which includes support for Client Certificate authentication in your HTTPProxy objects, and also updates Contour’s Ingress support to fix some missing or incorrect behaviors. In addition Contour 1.4 upgrades Envoy to 1.14.1, to keep up with Envoy’s current supported version. TLS Client authentication This release adds support for client authentication through the use of certificates. So what does this mean? Well, you can now configure your HTTPProxy routes so that they require a client certificate supplied by your client (usually your browser), which allows you to use that client certificate for authentication. Read more...

Hot-Reload Certificates and Safely Rollout Envoy with Contour 1.2

Contour Team Steve Sloka release
Contour continues to add new features to help you better manage Contour operations in a cluster. Our latest feature release, Contour 1.2.0, now includes support for certificate rotation for xDS gRPC interface between Contour and Envoy as well as a new subcommand which assists in Envoy rollouts to minimize the number of connection errors. Additionally, Contour v1.2.1 is a security release which upgrades the version of Envoy to v1.13.1 which includes many CVE fixes. Read more...

Header and Host Rewrite with Contour 1.1

Contour Team Steve Sloka release
Contour continues to take shape with new features. Our latest release, Contour 1.1, now includes request and response header manipulation as well as host rewriting to external domains. Contour 1.1 also lets you specify a service’s protocol in HTTPProxy and adds back prefix rewrite support, which was the last feature blocking many users from migrating from IngressRoute to HTTPProxy. Header Manipulation Manipulating request and response headers are supported per-Service or per-Route. Read more...

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